Friday 14 August 2009


So this is the blog of an as-yet-unnamed band, documenting our various musical (and culinary) ventures. It's just the two of us at the moment, but we want to get more people involved, so if you're in Glasgow and interested, drop us a line at kimpinesscrapbook [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk

Now the introductions:

There's Niall; I like noises I haven't heard before, and music video, Scarlett Thomas, Kelly Link, Paul Morley, Suzumiya Haruhi, OddBob, Auntie Pixelante and Andrei Tarkovsky. As well as making music, I also code software (which you can see over here). I also did a PhD in which I tried to link sound and visuals in a musical instrument (video here). If I ever get my act together, the plan is to start a kind of non-profit record label/confused art project thing.

And there's Craig; I like noises I've heard before (an unfortunate child of Britpop), and sport. Mainly football (a long suffering follower of the Honest Men). Also indoctrinated, and attempting to do something with it, but it's far too dull for words. If I ever get my act together, I'll be doing something else.

Here's some of our best stuff so far:

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