Sunday 20 December 2009

Craig's Albums of 2009

No great explanation and in no particular order, all well reviewed elsewhere:

  • Low Miffs and Malcolm Ross
  • The Wild Beasts - Two Dancers
  • Annie - Don't Stop
  • Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport
  • Yeah Yeah Yeah's - Its Blitz
Actually very difficult to choose this year, some tough choices in my wee head.
Two honorable mentions:
  • The Wildhearts - Chutzpah! - such remarkable consistency, such a remarkable band
  • MSP - Journal for Plague Lovers - I was bizarrely excited about this and it didn't disappoint. Not as staggering as THB, but pretty great nonetheless.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I win on word count!

    I like how all we have in common is a Yeah Yeah Yeah's song. And the only one of yours I own is Journal for Plague Lovers, which I found really disappointing.

    Having just heard The XX, I suspect they would have been on my list had I heard them earlier.
